Produce the gentle harmonic saturation and soft compression reminiscent, Solid State Logic “SSL Fusion Vintage Drive” is 84% OFF

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Produce the gentle harmonic saturation and soft compression reminiscent, Solid State Logic “SSL Fusion Vintage Drive” is 84% OFF.


SSL Fusion Vintage Drive

The SSL Fusion Vintage Drive plug-in is a digital emulation of the Vintage Drive processor from SSL’s critically acclaimed SSL Fusion stereo outboard hardware processor.

Designed to produce the gentle harmonic saturation and soft compression reminiscent of driving vintage hardware into the analogue sweet spot, the SSL Fusion Vintage Drive plug-in is a must-have for adding organic analogue feel to your tracks, groups, mixes and masters.

SSL Fusion Vintage Drive offers some fantastic new options without complication; use the MIX control to dial in the perfect amount of vintage drive, use the AUTO GAIN functionality to drive the signal without destructively affecting your mix levels, and use the brand new ECO mode to drop the plug-in into zero latency, reduced-CPU operation for use during tracking and recording.


  • Modelled on the coveted SSL Fusion Vintage Drive section.
  • A unique, non-linear saturation circuit gives your mix added strength and cohesion.
  • DENSITY and DRIVE interact to produce harmonics, soft-clipping, and natural compression.
  • Emulates pushing an analogue console into its tonal sweet spot.
  • MIX control, for blending in parallel with the original signal.
  • AUTO GAIN that automatically accounts for gain introduced by the DRIVE, DENSITY and INPUT TRIM controls – introduce analogue drive without destructively affecting your mix levels.
  • Built on the SSL Plug-in Engine.
  • Exceptional DSP design with reference to the original analogue circuit designs.
  • Modelled using a combination of real-life measurements, analogue circuit designs, and close collaboration with the original analogue designers of the SSL FUSION hardware.
  • NEW: ECO mode drops the plug-in into a zero latency & reduced CPU mode, for tracking and recording applications.
  • SSL’s cross-platform preset management and A/B-ing system.
  • Built-in UNDO/REDO support.
  • Comes loaded with presets from world-class producers and engineers, including Adrian Hall, Alan Moulder, Caesar Edmunds, Charlie Holmes, Michael Brauer, Romesh Dodangoda, Sean Divine and Wez Clarke.

Regular price $218.9 on sale for only $32.99.

SSL Fusion Vintage Drive ( Plugin Boutique )

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