Compressor plug-in, Initial Audio “IA-LA1” is 61% OFF

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Compressor plug-in, Initial Audio “IA-LA1” is 61% OFF.



The IA-LA1 is a compressor plug-in designed with super response in mind.

It uses transparent algorithms that are free of distortion and artifacts.

If coloration is needed, Initial Audio has included a THD control that can introduce a gentle dynamic distortion to add warmth and depth.

  • Automatic compression – no need to set attack and release times.
  • THD – Total Harmonic Distortion, adds extra warmth and depth.
  • Preset manager – Save and load custom presets.
  • Input gain – Push the audio louder before entering compression.
  • Make up gain – Increase to compensate for any loss of loudness from the compression.
  • High definition resizable GUI.

Regular price $53.9 on sale for only $20.9.

IA-LA1 ( Plugin Boutique )

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Initial Audio 10th Anniversary Sale ( Plugin Boutique )

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