Provides a punchy, thick analog tone, Universal Audio “Helios Type 69 EQ and PreAmp” is 86% OFF

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Provides a punchy, thick analog tone, Universal Audio “Helios Type 69 EQ and PreAmp” is 86% OFF.


Helios Type 69 EQ and PreAmp

Helios Type 69 Preamp and EQ Collection gives you the punchy and fat analog tone used to craft hundreds of iconic albums from Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and many more.

Add a Classic Channel to Your Studio

Whether it was housed at Olympic in London, Musicland in Munich, or in the famed Rolling Stones’ mobile studio, Helios Type 69 consoles recorded everyone from Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, and more with unmistakable attitude and punch.

Get the Authentic Sound of a Classic Helios Type 69 Console

UA’s team of engineers dug deep into two original Type 69 “golden units,” faithfully emulating their distinct custom-made character, giving you colorful flavors that will bring your vocals, guitars, drums, and bass to life.

Go Bold With Colorful Analog EQ

The Helios Type 69 plug-in gives you the original hardware’s famously assertive three-band EQ, perfectly emulating the rich sounding saturation behaviors that keep radical EQ moves on all your sources sounding ultra musical, even at extreme settings.

Enjoy Thick Low-End Tone and More

With four uniquely voiced low-frequency boost filters, the Helios Type 69 plug-in injects your tracks with the same solid and wide bass foundation found on seminal rock, pop, and reggae recordings.

You can also clean up sources like overheads and room mics by switching the Bass band into a fixed 50 Hz low cut mode.

Record “Through” a Vintage Helios With Apollo

UA’s groundbreaking Unison technology lets you track in realtime “through” the Helios Type 69 plug-in using your Apollo, giving you all the original vintage hardware’s line/mic preamp impedance, gain stage “sweet spots,” and exact circuit behaviors.


  • Get the fat, authentic sound of the same analog preamp/EQ used on countless classic records 
  • Add attitude and punch to synths and guitars with colorful Helios midrange EQ
  • Explore bass delights with four uniquely voiced low-frequency boost filters
  • Record in realtime “through” a vintage Helios Type 69 mic preamp with your Apollo, using Unison™ technology
  • Use with any audio interface, no UA hardware required

Regular price $328.9 on sale for only $42.9.

Helios Type 69 EQ and PreAmp ( Plugin Boutique )

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