Which bundles all 40 products of Rigid Audio, “Rigid Audio Everything Bundle” is 97% OFF

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Which bundles all 40 products of Rigid Audio, “Rigid Audio Everything Bundle” is 97% OFF.


Rigid Audio Everything Bundle

This bundle comprises of all 40 products from Rigid Audio.

Included products

  • Acoustic Isolation
  • Angus
  • Aquiver
  • Asphericon
  • Atheos
  • Atomicron
  • Cinematrix
  • Electro House
  • Felicity
  • Ghost
  • Grainstates
  • Groundshaker Groovebox
  • Hibernate VST
  • Hypernode
  • Interference
  • Ion Storm
  • Lightyears
  • Limerence
  • Lofi Explorer Bundle (3 products)
  • Lupus
  • Orbital
  • Pad Therapy
  • Padstation
  • Padstation II
  • Perception
  • Plethora
  • Quarternion
  • Resomonia
  • Retrocade
  • RIVA
  • Sodium
  • Sore
  • Space
  • Space II
  • Stompbox
  • Supine
  • Synferno
  • Tropical Breeze
  • Viego
  • Over 8000 sounds and presets
  • 40 products included | 70GB+

Full version of Kontakt 6.4.2 required.

Regular price $2,220 on sale for only $59.

Rigid Audio Everything Bundle ( Audio Plugin Deals )

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