The perfect all-in-one channel strip, Nomad Factory “Analog Studio Rack” is 79% OFF

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The perfect all-in-one channel strip, Nomad Factory “Analog Studio Rack” is 79% OFF.


Analog Studio Rack

Analog Studio Rack is a “Modular Rack” that provides hot-swappable 500 series style EQ’s, Compressors, Gate, Exciter and a Tube Driven Pre-Amp; the perfect all-in-one channel strip!

Inspired by a classic and famous British console for its Gate/Expander, Comp/Limiter, Bus Compressor and EQ, a modified Exciter, a Tube Driven Pre-Amp and another famous mid-1950’s EQ, the AS-Rack brings together a suite of 7 modules expertly tuned to sound musical.

Each of the 6 main modules can be placed in any order with simple drag and drop, allowing you the freedom within a rack space design to try different combinations; Compressor before or after EQ, Gate after a crushed Compressor for effect… All of this is now possible to customize your tone and source material, with various views available per module for gain reduction, spectrum and 1/3 octave.

Regular price $139 on sale for only $29.

Analog Studio Rack ( PluginFox )

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Nomad Factory Deals ( PluginFox )

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