Stereo channel recording plug-in, Nomad Factory “ASP Studio Channel SC-226” is 81% OFF

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Stereo channel recording plug-in, Nomad Factory “ASP Studio Channel SC-226” is 81% OFF.


ASP Studio Channel SC-226

The Studio Channel SC-226 is a stereo channel recording plug-in, featuring four-band equalizer, an analog “signature” optical compressor and at the heart of the shelving and bell filters, a tube simulator and Brick-Wall peak limiter designed to reproduce the warmth of vintage recordings with unrivaled quality and realism.

It is equally suited for delicate vocal as well as dynamic instrument recordings such as lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, and horns.

Exceptional for tracking, mixing or mastering, the Studio Channel recreates the warm sound qualities of its analog hardware ancestors.

  • 12AX7 Tube Emulation control
  • High Pass filter 18dB/octave
  • Input and Output level controls
  • Bass control (shelving / peaking) Boost / Cut up to 24dB
  • Treble control (shelving / peaking) Boost / Cut up to 20dB
  • Low and High mids Boost / Cut up to 18dB
  • Threshold, Compression, Attach and Release controls
  • Phase reverse switch
  • Brick-Wall peak limiter
  • Full Automation for all parameters PC and Mac OS X
  • Easy-to-use vintage interface

Regular price $99 on sale for only $19.

ASP Studio Channel SC-226 ( PluginFox )

There are many other great products available. Please check them out.

Nomad Factory Deals ( PluginFox )

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