67% off the “FireSonic Bundle”, a bundle of four of United Plugins’ FireSonic effector series.
FireSonic Bundle
This is a bundle of four of United Plugins’ FireSonic effect pedal series.
- FireCharger
- FireCobra
- FirePresser
- FireMaster
Do your tracks sound dull or tired? They need energy. They need to get charged.
FireCharger can get your mix or instrument recording to the next level by touching just a few knobs (or just one in most cases).
FireCharger is a universal processor with an intelligent algorithm for spectral charging and instant bettering of the sound, it also includes the emulation of an analogue tape and advanced exciters.
FireCobra intelligently analyses the audio signal and makes it sound punchier, more powerful and better in general. It makes the mixes better with nearly no time wasted on setting it up.
The Analogize algorithm is based on a simulation of classic analogue saturation units.
It is designed to provide the best results with low CPU load and simple operation.
Four different compressor algorithms are included: VARIMU, STRESS, DB160, and 76.
By combining them, it is now possible to easily blend all kinds of materials and their respective characteristics.
The intensity of each characteristic can be controlled with the rainbow pad (like an XY pad) located in the center.
This is a mastering plug-in that is intended to be launched into the master track to put the final touches on the mix.
Don’t reach for external EQs. FireMaster has precisely tuned controls for mastering bass and treble. It will give your tracks perfect bottoms and a great amount of high-end air.
Although FireMaster is meant mainly for master tracks the unit is highly optimized for use on multiple tracks without draining too much CPU power.
Although the name FireMaster suggests the plugin is made for mastering you’d better be gentle and add just a little amount of effects on master tracks. The truth is FireMaster can be used with great results on vocals, bass, drums or any other tracks.
Regular price $551 on sale for only $180.