Mastering The Mix is having a eBooks Sale. Discover the building blocks of successful songs to improve your mixing decisions, “How Pros Make Hits – eBook” is 50% OFF
Mastering The Mix is having a eBooks Sale. Discover the building blocks of successful songs to improve your mixing decisions, "How Pros Make Hits - eBook" is 50% OFF. How Pros Make Hits - eBook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lreLxHcw9j4... -
[FREE] Extreme saturator that punishes a mix, SNFK Music “DirtyPumper” is now available for free
Extreme saturator that punishes a mix, SNFK Music "DirtyPumper" is now available for free. DirtyPumper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfH8HmQYkKw DirtyPumper is an extreme saturator that punishes a mix. It was designed with drum process... -
Any imaginable audio analysis and measurement, which can be expanded for more specific utilization, FLUX:: “Analyzer Essential Bundle” is 50% OFF
Any imaginable audio analysis and measurement, which can be expanded for more specific utilization, FLUX:: "Analyzer Essential Bundle" is 50% OFF. Analyzer Essential Bundle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9CEOJdW6fI The foundation of th... -
An expressive, natural and aesthetic collection of 100 preset sounds, Clark Audio “Lush” is 80% OFF
An expressive, natural and aesthetic collection of 100 preset sounds, Clark Audio "Lush" is 80% OFF. Lush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y1YxK1qYo4&t=23s Lush delivers an aesthetic collection of 100 preset sounds. Each note was rec... -
Providing transparent, precise de-essing with unique flexibility, McDSP “DE555 Advanced De-esser Native” is 57% OFF
Providing transparent, precise de-essing with unique flexibility, McDSP "DE555 Advanced De-esser Native" is 57% OFF. DE555 Advanced De-esser Native https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Aow0w8S9FM The DE555 is a new generation of de-essing te... -
Digitally recreates the legendary 550A, Volko Audio “QA Equalizer” is 50% OFF
Digitally recreates the legendary 550A, Volko Audio "QA Equalizer" is 50% OFF. QA Equalizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ4r68e1LW4 QA digitally recreates the legendary 550A. The equalizer allows you to chisel your signals with surgi... -
Recreations of classic 80s and 90s sounds, Plugin Boutique “Phase Plant Expansion Pack: Synthwave Dimensions” is 33% OFF
Recreations of classic 80s and 90s sounds, Plugin Boutique "Phase Plant Expansion Pack: Synthwave Dimensions" is 33% OFF. Phase Plant Expansion Pack: Synthwave Dimensions Take a dive into a retro-futuristic world of deep bass, vintage sy... -
[FREE] Toy instruments with professional precision all a unique sounding plugin, Reflekt Audio “Playtime” is now available for free
Toy instruments with professional precision all a unique sounding plugin, Reflekt Audio "Playtime" is now available for free. Playtime https://soundcloud.com/reflektaudio/playtime-vst-plugin-beat Sampled a toy banjo, toy keyboard, some t... -
Design a unique vocal sound with thousands of sustain, plucked and phrase combinations, Rast Sound “Vocal Morphs PRO” released. Intro price 33% OFF
Design a unique vocal sound with thousands of sustain, plucked and phrase combinations, Rast Sound "Vocal Morphs PRO" released. Intro price 33% OFF. Vocal Morphs PRO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvUbE22FAbI Vocal Morphs PRO helps you ... -
The Ultimate Drum Sample Selection, Wave Alchemy “Revolution + FREE Sample Pack” is 77% OFF
The Ultimate Drum Sample Selection, Wave Alchemy "Revolution + FREE Sample Pack" is 77% OFF. Revolution + FREE Sample Pack Revolution https://www.youtube.com/embed/9YsrfXI4Ep4 For the first time ever, a plugin delivers the true sound of ... -
Powerful rock drum instrument with unrelenting weight and energy, UJAM “Virtual Drummer HEAVY” is 71% OFF
Powerful rock drum instrument with unrelenting weight and energy, UJAM "Virtual Drummer HEAVY" is 71% OFF. Virtual Drummer HEAVY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5EbrJguqd4&t=19s “Virtual Drummer HEAVY” is a heavy hitter in the liter... -
Collection of 100 fabulous sampled presets from various analog synthesizers, BeatSkillz “Synthwave Keys” is 88% OFF
Collection of 100 fabulous sampled presets from various analog synthesizers, BeatSkillz "Synthwave Keys" is 88% OFF. Synthwave Keys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZVLiS9u0BA&feature=emb_title Keys is a collection of 100 amazing pre...