The essentials of Old School Black Metal Drumming, Ugritone “Black Metal Essentials MIDI Pack” is 60% OFF
The essentials of Old School Black Metal Drumming, Ugritone "Black Metal Essentials MIDI Pack" is 60% OFF. Black Metal Essentials MIDI Pack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmyD8QT2uk0 "First there was a kit, then came beats" Black Metal ... -
A powerful one-knob that delivers an instant and addictive shot to the metaphorical arm of any sound, W.A.Production “Biggifier by Aden” is 40% OFF
A powerful one-knob that delivers an instant and addictive shot to the metaphorical arm of any sound, W.A.Production "Biggifier by Aden" is 40% OFF. When you shop at W.A. Production, you will receive a free “Tropical House Mega Pack”. Bi... -
Time-saving mixing tool, Toontrack “EZMix 2” is 20% OFF
Time-saving mixing tool, Toontrack "EZMix 2" is 20% OFF. EZMix 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0gRbLv3SuQ EZmix 2 is a multi-effect plug-in that lets you assign professionally designed audio processing effect chains to any audio sourc... -
Expansion pack for the BigKick plugin, Plugin Boutique “BigKick Expansion V3 – Drum & Bass Kicks with DLR” is 40% OFF
Expansion pack for the BigKick plugin, Plugin Boutique "BigKick Expansion V3 - Drum & Bass Kicks with DLR" is 40% OFF. BigKick Expansion V3 - Drum & Bass Kicks with DLR BigKick Expansion V3 Comes From the Hands of Drum & Bass... -
A plugin for creating trap hi-hats, Diginoiz “Hattricks” is released
A plugin for creating trap hi-hats, Diginoiz "Hattricks" is released. Hattricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ2ziylyCds Hattricks is a VST for trap hi-hats creation that makes the process smooth, easy and proficient. In technical ter... -
[FREE] Analog Emulated Trans-Pluck Synthesizer, RDGAudio “SawPluck” Now Available for Free
Analog Emulated Trans-Pluck Synthesizer, RDGAudio "SawPluck" Now Available for Free. SawPluck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b6SgpBeGkc SawPluck is our first Analogue Emulated Trance Pluck Synthesizer for quick Trance Chords, Riffs and... -
The drum machine with powerful and punchy sound, Rob Papen “Punch 2” is 30% OFF
The drum machine with powerful and punchy sound, Rob Papen "Punch 2" is 30% OFF. Punch 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BEe9huc63k&list=PLBWOOO5zeHgfbqvf5py_devssRYBIGzZV The original Rob Papen Punch virtual drum machine made its m... -
A huge collection of over 2,700 loops and one-shots, Soundtrack Loops “Soul RnB Bundle” is 92% OFF
A huge collection of over 2,700 loops and one-shots, Soundtrack Loops "Soul RnB Bundle" is 92% OFF. Soul RnB Bundle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ern37uuPxZA “Soul RnB Bundle” is an enormous collection of WAV Loops, MIDI Sequences and ... -
Massive collection of over 7.5GB of looped phrases, UEBERSCHALL “The Resource – Lost Tapes” is 85% OFF
Massive collection of over 7.5GB of looped phrases, UEBERSCHALL "The Resource - Lost Tapes" is 85% OFF. The Resource – Lost Tapes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DtBXdqVWMo&t=14s Whether you want to construct a complete solo, build ... -
[FREE] GhostHack will be releasing a continuous of free sample packs over the next few weeks to celebrate the release of the “Ultimate Producer Bundle 2021” (scheduled for March 26th)
GhostHack will be releasing a continuous of free sample packs over the next few weeks to celebrate the release of the "Ultimate Producer Bundle 2021" (scheduled for March 26th). ROAD TO UPB2021 To celebrate the launch of our forthcoming ... -
[FREE] Multi-band gate plug-in, Mogwai Audio Tools “Mgate-Multi”(normally $9.99) is now available for free for a limited time
Multi-band gate plug-in, Mogwai Audio Tools "Mgate-Multi"(normally $9.99) is now available for free for a limited time. MGATE-MULTI A versatile multiband gate plugin with intuitive visual display controls, that offers up to six bands of ... -
Bass compressor bundle co-developed by mixing engineer Joel Wanasek and JST, “Bus Glue Joel Wanasek” is 50% OFF
Bass compressor bundle co-developed by mixing engineer Joel Wanasek and JST, "Bus Glue Joel Wanasek" is 50% OFF. Bus Glue Joel Wanasek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSzY6zBVdw8 Bus Glue Joel Wanasek is a series of bus compressor audio ...