50% OFF Auddict “ANGEL STRINGS”, a string instrument library recorded at Angel Studios, which records music for major motion pictures and games
50% OFF Auddict "ANGEL STRINGS", a string instrument library recorded at Angel Studios, which records music for major motion pictures and games. ANGEL STRINGS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoQgNw-ZhTI&feature=emb_title This library... -
6 Ethnic Instrument Library Bundle, Impact Soundworks “Ethnic Instruments Bundle” is 63% OFF
6 Ethnic Instrument Library Bundle, Impact Soundworks "Ethnic Instruments Bundle" is 63% OFF. Ethnic Instruments Bundle Koto Nation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPcTYbVnSRE&feature=emb_title We created Koto Nation out of a desire ... -
The magnificent and unique cinematic drum library, Sample Logic “Drum Fury” is 70% off
The magnificent and unique cinematic drum library, Sample Logic “Drum Fury” is 70% off. DRUM FURY DRUM FURY includes 113 multi sampled instruments and a 10.64 GB sample library using Kontakt’s lossless sample storage compression. 113 ins... -
Arturia’s various synthesizer plug-ins are on sale for 50% OFF
Arturia's various synthesizer plug-ins are on sale for 50% OFF. OB-Xa V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6ZEaRaSbH8&feature=emb_title Faithful to the sound of the original and supercharged with new features, OB-Xa V will take you for... -
Cinematic Sound Library Bundle, Audiority “Cinematic Instruments Bundle” is 70% OFF
Cinematic Sound Library Bundle, Audiority "Cinematic Instruments Bundle" is 70% OFF. Audiority Cinematic Instruments Bundle The Forge The Forge is a powerful yet intuitive sample library aimed at Film, TV and Games composers. It is desig... -
Cinematic sound library using acoustic guitars, Heavyocity “Scoring Acoustic Guitars” released. Intro Price 20% OFF
Cinematic sound library using acoustic guitars, Heavyocity "Scoring Acoustic Guitars" released. Intro Price 20% OFF. Scoring Acoustic Guitars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuc56ZMdDGc&feature=emb_title Scoring Acoustic Guitars is a... -
Release of Leapwing Audio “Al Schmitt”, a plug-in that recreates the sound of legendary producer/engineer Al Schmitt. Intro Price 20% OFF
Release of Leapwing Audio "Al Schmitt", a plug-in that recreates the sound of legendary producer/engineer Al Schmitt. Intro Price 20% OFF. Al Schmitt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmx4hntZi7I&feature=emb_title Leapwing is proud to ... -
Wavelet Audio “Trailer Box” released, a sound source library that allows you to create modern cinematic sound designs in minutes
Wavelet Audio "Trailer Box" released, a sound source library that allows you to create modern cinematic sound designs in minutes. Trailer Box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYyYmki70lU&feature=emb_title No need to be stressed about ... -
Arturia is having an FX Sale. 50% off all high quality and lightweight effect plug-ins
Arturia is having an FX Sale. 50% off all high quality and lightweight effect plug-ins. 50% OFF all Arturia effectors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDVtIf5hVZE&feature=emb_title Comp FET-76 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo6UOLkpt... -
Future Bass Sound Pack for Xfer SERUM, W.A.Production “Pumped: Serum Future Bass & Pop Essentials” is 50% off
Future Bass Sound Pack for Xfer SERUM, W.A.Production "Pumped: Serum Future Bass & Pop Essentials" is 50% off. Pumped: Serum Future Bass & Pop Essentials https://soundcloud.com/bigedmsounds/pumped-serum-future-bass-pop-essentials... -
The new generation of synthesizers, Arturia “Pigments 2″is 50% off
The new generation of synthesizers, Arturia "Pigments 2"is 50% off. Pigments 2 Pigments is a very powerful wavetable and virtual analog software synthesizer built over 20 years. With a twin audio engine, you can mix virtual analog and wa... -
Analog Synthesizer Plug-in, Eplex7 DSP “Klerhaim N1” Released
Analog Synthesizer Plug-in, Eplex7 DSP "Klerhaim N1" Released. Klerhaim N1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg0-QzsboX8&feature=emb_title There are many virtual analog emulation synthesizers available, but unfortunately 99,5% of them ...