As preset pack for the “Xfer SERUM”, Big EDM “Pumped Serum Future & Bass House Essentials 2” has been released

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As preset pack for the “Xfer SERUM”, Big EDM “Pumped Serum Future & Bass House Essentials 2” has been released.

The intro price is 50% off.


Pumped Serum Future & Bass House Essentials 2

Gritty bass sounds, shimmering synths, and airy leads are just some of the aural wonders you’ll discover in this Serum expansion pack.

These presets come pre-built with intricate macro settings to help you tweak the sound to sit perfectly in your track.

The sky is the limit with Serum Future Bass Essentials 2 — grab your copy today!

  • 138 Xfer Serum Presets

On sale for the intro price is $7.50(regular $14.90).

Pumped Serum Future & Bass House Essentials 2

Buy at Plugin Boutique

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