[FREE] Features samples recorded from violin, viola, and cello ensembles, Audiolatry “Easy Strings” is available for free

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Features samples recorded from violin, viola, and cello ensembles, Audiolatry “Easy Strings” is available for free.


Easy Strings

Simple Violin/Viola/Cello Ensemble Instrument

This ROMpler features samples recorded from violin, viola, and cello ensembles.

There’s no in-depth sampling, hence only one velocity layer.

Easy Strings is split into 3 pages: Violin, Viola, and Cello.

Each page brings 4 playing techniques of the respective instrument: Sustain Vibrato, Tremolo, Pizzicato, and Spiccato – resulting in 12 presets in total.

Sustain Vibrato and Tremolo are looped for continuous play.

The GUI sports typical controls and effects including ADSR envelope, global gain & panning, reverb, delay, chorus, lofi module.

Easy Strings can be a handy production tool for simple compositions in musical genres such as EDM, Hip Hop, Pop, RnB, House, etc.

Easy Strings ( Audiolatry )

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